Islamic Azad University & Psychology And Counseling Organisation of Islamic Republic Of Iran ,
Abstract: (597 Views)
Introduction: Attitude towards divorce and justification of extramarital relations are among the factors affecting marital satisfaction. The present study aimed to formulate a structural model for predicting marital satisfaction based on the attitude towards divorce with the mediation of the justification of extramarital relationships in the students of the Islamic Azad University of Garmsar Branch.
Methods: The research method was descriptive correlation. The statistical population of the present study included all married students of the Islamic Azad University of Garmsar Branch in the academic year of the second semester of 2022-2023, and among them, 246 were selected by non-random and convenience sampling method. The research instruments included demographic questionnaire, "ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Scale", "Attitudes towards Divorce Scale", and "Justifications for Extramarital Relationships Questionnaire". The validity of the instruments was measured using content validity using a qualitative method and reliability using the internal consistency method by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The collected data were analyzed in SPSS .26 and Amos v.24.
Results: Marital satisfaction is predicted based on positive (β=-0.300, P<0.001) and negative (β=0.549, P<0.001) attitude towards divorce in students of Islamic Azad University of Garmsar Branch. Marital satisfaction is predicted based on the justification of extramarital relationships (β=-0.523, P<0.001) in the students of Islamic Azad University of Garmsar branch. Positive attitude towards divorce (β=-0.200, P=0.001) and negative attitude towards divorce (β=0.191, P<0.001) predict marital satisfaction through the mediation of extramarital relationship justification.
Conclusions: The marital satisfaction is predicted based on positive and negative attitudes towards divorce with the mediation of justification of extramarital relationships in the students of Islamic Azad University of Garmsar Branch. Therefore, it is suggested that family counselors and psychologists focus on couples' attitudes towards divorce in marital relationship in couple therapy.
Moazzen M, Sedaghatifard M. The Structural Model of Predicting Marital Satisfaction based on the Attitude towards Divorce and the Justification of Extramarital Relationships in the Students of Islamic Azad University of Garmsar Branch. JHPM 2025; 13 (5) :93-104 URL: