Introduction: The dynamic school plan increases the amount of sports activities of students. The purpose of the current research was to psychometrics “Related Factors on the Implementation of Dynamic School Plan Scale".
Methods: The current research is of methodological type. The content and face validity of the developed items in the qualitative part were measured by the qualitative method, with the opinions of 15 lecturers of the Faculty of Sports Management, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch. Construct validity was investigated by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis in a sample of 384 people using a simple random lottery method including experts, school principals and physical education teachers of the whole country. Also, convergent validity and divergent validity were calculated in a sample of 384. Finally, the reliability of the scale was calculated using 2 methods of internal consistency by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability in the above sample. Data analysis was done in PLS. 3.
Results: The findings of the obtained KMO value is 0.769. Also, the results of Bartlett's test (Sig=0.001, χ=252.7701) show that there is a high correlation between the terms. From the exploratory factor analysis, 8 extraction factors with 48 items were identified.
Conclusions: "Related Factors on the Implementation of Dynamic School Plan Scale” was approved with 48 items and 8 subscales include; infrastructure, planning, education, inter-departmental cooperation, budget, culture, evaluation and monitoring, and creativity and innovation. It is suggested to use the developed scale to measure the factors related to the implementation of the dynamic school plan.
Mokhtari Hizji F, Ali Dost Qahfarkhi E, Drodian A A, Bagheri S. Psychometrics "Related Factors on the Implementation of Dynamic School Plan Scale". JHPM 2023; 12 (5) :88-100 URL: