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:: Volume 6, Issue 5 (October-November 2017) ::
JHPM 2017, 6(5): 59-68 Back to browse issues page
Facilitators and Barriers of Communication between Nursing Studentand Patient: A Systematic Review
Shahrzad Ghiyasvandian , Masoumeh Zakerimoghadam , Abbas Ebadi , Mahbobeh Abdolrahimi
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , mahbobehabdolrahimi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (7407 Views)
Introduction: The ability to communicate effectively with patients is considered as one of the most important characteristics of nurses. The aim of this study was to determine facilitators and barriers of communication between the nursing student and patient during 2000-2015.
Methods: In this systematic review, full text of articles related to nurse -patient communication were retrieved from English and Persian databases (PubMed, Embase, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, Magiran, SID and Medlib). Using the "Nursing Students", "Patients" and "Communication” search strings and their equivalent in Persian language, the titles of articles were searched. In addition, the data extraction form which was developed according to the study’s objectives was used to collect data. From the 38 related papers that were identified, 26 articles were excluded because they were not in line with the inclusion criteria. Nine additional studies relevant to the research were directly added through manual search. In total, 21 English and Persian papers were identified and considered in this review.
Results: Seventeen of 21 articles (80.96%) were descriptive studies, of which four (19.04%) were qualitative studies. Six of 17 descriptive articles (35.29%) were from intervention studies. Twelve of the papers (57.14%) were conducted in Iran and nine (42.86%) were investigated in other countries. The results showed that improving the nursing students’ theoretical knowledge and clinical experience of communication, giving feedback, listening, empathy and assertiveness skills, and cultural and social characteristics of the wards were facilitators or inhibitors of the communication between the nursing students and patients.
Conclusions: Based on the findings, individual, educational and environmental factors may act as facilitators or inhibitors of the communication between nursing student and patient. As such, it is suggested that nursing educators teach students about these factors and consider them in practice.

Keywords: Communication, Patients, Students, Nursing, Systematic Review
Full-Text [PDF 561 kb]   (2525 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: human power management
Received: 2016/11/3 | Accepted: 2017/11/7 | Published: 2017/11/7
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Ghiyasvandian S, Zakerimoghadam M, Ebadi A, Abdolrahimi M. Facilitators and Barriers of Communication between Nursing Studentand Patient: A Systematic Review. JHPM 2017; 6 (5) :59-68
URL: http://jhpm.ir/article-1-722-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 5 (October-November 2017) Back to browse issues page
مدیریت ارتقای سلامت  Journal of Health Promotion Management
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