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:: Volume 13, Issue 5 (Winter 2025) ::
JHPM 2025, 13(5): 66-80 Back to browse issues page
Correlation of Psychological Distress and Coping with Stressful Situations, Health Anxiety in Nurses; Mediating Role of Burnout
Mozhdeh Bagher Zadeh , Soheila Mazloum Vajari , Fatemeh Jafaraghaee
, mazloum2258@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (154 Views)
Introduction: Health anxiety is one of the main factors affecting the mental health of nurses. The aim of the present study was to determine the correlation between psychological distress and Coping with stressful situations, health anxiety in nurses with the mediating role of job burnout.
Methods: The present research method is descriptive-correlation type. The research population was nurses working in Dr. Pirouz Hospital in Lahijan in 2023, 200 of them (27 men and 173 women) were selected by non-random and convenience sampling method. Data collection instruments include: demographic data questionnaire, "Kessler Distress Psychological Scale", "Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations", "Health Anxiety Inventory" and "Job Burnout Questionnaire" were completely completed. The content validity ratio of the instruments and reliability was done by calculating internal consistency by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed in SPSS .22 and Smart PLS. 3.
Results: Psychological distress was correlated directly and positively with health anxiety (β=0.59, t=8.330, P=0.01). Coping with stressful situations with health anxiety had an indirect and negative significant correlation (β=-0.25, t=-2.167, P=0.01). Psychological distress was correlated directly and positively with burnout (β=0.71, t=17.86, P=0.01). Coping with stressful situations with burnout had an indirect and negative significant correlation (β=-0.14, t=-3.158, P=0.05). Job burnout was directly and positively correlated with health anxiety (β=0.24, t=3.57, P=0.001). Psychological distress (β=0.23) correlated directly and positively with health anxiety by mediating burnout. Also, coping with stressful situations (β=-0.169) with the mediation of burnout was correlated indirectly and negatively with health anxiety.
Conclusions: Psychological distress in a direct and positive manner and Coping with stressful situations in a direct and negative manner, due to burnout increases the health anxiety score in nurses. It is suggested that hospital managers provide the necessary support measures to promote the mental health of nurses working in hospitals by holding workshops on burnout and health anxiety.

Keywords: Health Anxiety, Burnout, Psychological Distress, Nurses.
Full-Text [PDF 504 kb]   (130 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: health management
Received: 2024/04/20 | Accepted: 2024/06/9 | Published: 2025/01/29
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Bagher Zadeh M, Mazloum Vajari S, Jafaraghaee F. Correlation of Psychological Distress and Coping with Stressful Situations, Health Anxiety in Nurses; Mediating Role of Burnout. JHPM 2025; 13 (5) :66-80
URL: http://jhpm.ir/article-1-1768-en.html

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Volume 13, Issue 5 (Winter 2025) Back to browse issues page
مدیریت ارتقای سلامت  Journal of Health Promotion Management
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