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:: Volume 13, Issue 5 (Winter 2025) ::
JHPM 2025, 13(5): 119-128 Back to browse issues page
Developing and Psychometrics of "Job Performance Scale" Among Employees of Oil Industry Health and Medical Centers in Tabriz and Urmia
Fahimeh Mohammadi Zanjireh , Behnam Talebi , Asadollah Khadivi
, btalebi1972@gmail.com
Abstract:   (109 Views)
Introduction: Today, job performance is an important and key competitive advantage that can be affected by many factors. The current research was conducted with the aim of developing and psychometrics of "Job Performance Scale" among employees of oil industry health and medical centers in Tabriz and Urmia.
Methods: The current research is of methodological type. The items were developed based on the description of general and specific job duties used in health and medical centers of oil industry, the theoretical foundations of job performance health and medical centers organizations, as well as the annual performance evaluation form of employees in the oil industry health and medical centers in Tabriz and Urmia was designed.
Content validity was measured using the Waltz & Basel content validity index and the content validity ratio by the opinions of 16 lecturers of management courses at the University of Medical Sciences in Tabriz and Urmia. Construct validity was investigated by exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity and divergent validity, on 145 people using a stratified relative random method based on the share of medical and non-medical staff in Tabriz and Urmia cities. Reliability was calculated using the internal consistency method by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability on 35 medical staff in the health and medical centers of the University of Medical Sciences in Tabriz and Urmia. Data analysis was done in PLS. 3.
Results: The results of the content validity index showed that 6 terms were removed due to the value of the content validity index less than 79% or the content validity ratio less than 0.49. Also, the findings of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed that the scale has 20 terms and one factor. The results showed convergent validity of 0.79 and divergent validity of 0.71. Finally, reliability was calculated using the internal consistency method by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.78 and combined reliability of 0.89.
Conclusions: "Job Performance Scale" with 20 items and single factor was developed and psychometrically evaluated. It is suggested to use the developed instrument to measure the job performance of employees of health and medical centers in the oil industry.

Keywords: Oil Industry, Instrument Development, Job Performance Scale, Health and Care Centers.
Full-Text [PDF 324 kb]   (77 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: human power management
Received: 2023/03/19 | Accepted: 2025/01/29 | Published: 2025/01/29
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Mohammadi Zanjireh F, Talebi B, Khadivi A. Developing and Psychometrics of "Job Performance Scale" Among Employees of Oil Industry Health and Medical Centers in Tabriz and Urmia. JHPM 2025; 13 (5) :119-128
URL: http://jhpm.ir/article-1-1638-en.html

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Volume 13, Issue 5 (Winter 2025) Back to browse issues page
مدیریت ارتقای سلامت  Journal of Health Promotion Management
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