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:: Volume 12, Issue 5 (October-November 2023) ::
JHPM 2023, 12(5): 36-47 Back to browse issues page
Comparison of Anxiety Sensitivity, Defense Styles and Ego Strength in Patients with Stroke of Educational and Treatment of Valiasr in Zanjan City and Healthy People in Zanjan
Mahroo Ohadi , Afsaneh Sobhi
islamic azad university of zanjan , mahroo.ohadi1995@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1338 Views)
Introduction: Stroke is the second leading cause of death in the world. The aim of this study was to compare anxiety sensitivity, defense styles and ego strength in patients with stroke of Educational and Treatment of Valiasr in Zanjan city and healthy people in Zanjan.
Methods: The current research is descriptive-comparative. The statistical population of this research included stroke patients hospitalized in the Stroke Care Unit and Neurological Department of Educational and Treatment of Valiasr and healthy people in Zanjan city in 2019. In the present study, 280 people (140 people with stroke and 140 healthy people) were included in the study by non-random and convenience sampling method, with homogenization of age, gender and marital status. Data collection instruments included demographic questionnaire", "Anxiety Sensitivity Index", "Defense Style Questionnaire" and "Ego Strength Scale". The validity of "Anxiety Sensitivity Index" and "Defense Style Questionnaire" were sufficient for previous studies. For "Ego Capability Scale", the content validity index was evaluated by Waltz & Bausell method. The reliability of "Anxiety Sensitivity Index" and "Defense Style Questionnaire" were calculated by internal consistency method by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and "Ego Empowerment Scale" was calculated by Kuder-Richardson method. Data analysis was performed in SPSS.24.
Results: The two groups (patient and healthy) differ in terms of the components of "anxiety sensitivity index" with a significant level of value (P<0.01) and stroke patients have a higher mean. In the "Defense Style Questionnaire", stroke patients with a significant level of level (P<0.01) had a higher mean than healthy individuals in all three styles of development: immature, immature and neurotic. Also, the mean ego power in patients with stroke and healthy individuals did not differ significantly and both groups were moderate.
Conclusions: Anxiety sensitivity, defense styles were significantly different between the two groups of stroke patients and healthy individuals, and stroke patients had a higher mean, but in terms of ego strength, both groups were moderate. It is suggested that psychological interventions be used to prevent the consequences of this disease.
Keywords: Stroke, Defensive Mechanisms, Anxiety Sensitivity, Ego Strength.
Full-Text [PDF 308 kb]   (647 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: health management
Received: 2021/07/25 | Accepted: 2021/10/25 | Published: 2023/09/1
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ohadi M, sobhi A. Comparison of Anxiety Sensitivity, Defense Styles and Ego Strength in Patients with Stroke of Educational and Treatment of Valiasr in Zanjan City and Healthy People in Zanjan. JHPM 2023; 12 (5) :36-47
URL: http://jhpm.ir/article-1-1424-en.html

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Volume 12, Issue 5 (October-November 2023) Back to browse issues page
مدیریت ارتقای سلامت  Journal of Health Promotion Management
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