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:: Volume 10, Issue 6 (December-January 2021) ::
JHPM 2021, 10(6): 28-41 Back to browse issues page
Structural Analysis of Quantum Leadership and Manpower Maintenance with a Mediating Role of Organizational Trust in Health System
Zakariya Ahmadiyan , Hasan Galavandi , Mohamad Hasani
URMIA UNIVERCITY , Z.ahmadyan2015@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2863 Views)
Introduction: Today, in addition to being used in physics, Quantum Theory is also used in leadership and management in organizations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the structural analysis of quantum leadership and manpower maintenance with a mediating role of organizational trust in health system.
Methods: The research method is descriptive-correlation. The statistical population was all medical staff of West Azerbaijan University of Medical Sciences to 23,000 people. Using Cochran's formula, the statistical sample of this study was 384 people were selected by convenience sampling method. Data collection instruments were demographic questionnaire, "Quantum Leadership Scale", "Manpower Maintenance Questionnaire" and "Organizational Trust Questionnaire". The validity of the instruments was assessed and confirmed using content validity and face validity by qualitative method and convergent validity, divergent validity. The reliability of the instruments was measured by internal consistency method by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and combined reliability coefficients. Structural equation model and SPSS. 24 and LISREL 8 software were used to analyze the data
Results: There is a positive and significant correlation between quantum leadership and manpower retention in West Azerbaijan University of Medical Sciences (path coefficient 0.18). The correlation between quantum leadership and organizational trust is positive and significant (path coefficient 0.85). The correlation between organizational trust and manpower maintenance is positive and significant (path coefficient 0.81) and finally there is a positive and significant correlation between quantum leadership and manpower maintenance mediated by organizational trust (path coefficient 0.69). 
Conclusions: Organizational trust can increase the degree of solidarity of quantum leadership and manpower maintenance as a mediating role. It is suggested that the principles of quantum leadership be taught to university administrators and supervisors at all levels of management, in order to increase organizational trust and, consequently, manpower maintenance.
Keywords: Quantum Leadership, Manpower Maintenance, Organizational Trust, Urmia University of Medical Sciences.
Full-Text [PDF 387 kb]   (1603 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: human power management
Received: 2021/05/26 | Accepted: 2021/09/22 | Published: 2021/12/1
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ahmadiyan Z, Galavandi H, Hasani M. Structural Analysis of Quantum Leadership and Manpower Maintenance with a Mediating Role of Organizational Trust in Health System. JHPM 2021; 10 (6) :28-41
URL: http://jhpm.ir/article-1-1384-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 6 (December-January 2021) Back to browse issues page
مدیریت ارتقای سلامت  Journal of Health Promotion Management
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