, Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran. Iran (Corresponding Author). , farideh_y2002@yahoo.com
Abstract: (34935 Views)
are the largest group of health care professionals in health systems. Nurse's
shortage and turnover lead to big problems in care of patients, quality of care
and treatment costs. The aim of this study was to determine assessment of some factors related to leave in
nurses and their demographic information in educational hospitals of
Shahid Behesthi University of Medical Sciences
and methods:
In this, descriptive-correlative study, 350 nurseswererandomlyselected.
Personal demographic questionnaire (11 items) and Anticipated Turnover Scale
(ATS) (12 items) were used tocollect
data. Content validity index and reliability were measured byinternal consistency (α=0/80) and
test- retest(r=0/81). Samplesof 12teachinghospitalsandindifferentshiftswere selectedandquestionnaireswere
distributed and collectedat nurses resttime. Data was analyzed by SPSS-16.
Resultsshowedthat88 percentof
nurseswere women and 92 percenthad abachelor's degree.Also they age range
was between57-23and48/3 percent
of them worked in medical-surgical ward.Resultsindicatedthatnurseshad a moderateintent to leave their work. In addition,
betweenagewithintentto leave(r=
- 0/114) andwork experience(r= - 0/158)withturnover, wasa negative significant correlation. In addition, there was asignificantcorrelationbetweenorganizationallevel andintent to leave (P= 0/007),shiftandintent
to leave (P = 0/001).
Given thehighturnoverofIranian nursesthansimilar studiesinabroad andaccordingtoprevious
researchthat showedadirectrelationship
between intent toleaveandthe actualturnoverof
nurses, needmore attention.
Hariri GR, Yaghmaei F, Zagheri Tafreshi M, Shakeri N. Assessment of some factors related to leave in nurses and their demographic charater in educational hospitals of Shahid Behesthi University of Medical Sciences. JHPM 2012; 1 (3) :17-27 URL: http://jhpm.ir/article-1-78-en.html