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:: Volume 4, Issue 3 (summer 2015) ::
JHPM 2015, 4(3): 60-69 Back to browse issues page
Assessment the relationship of psychological well-being with religiosity attitude, self-esteem and psychological hardiness by Equation Structural Modeling among students of Islamic Azad and public universities in Shahrekord
B Bakhshi Arjenaki , T Sharifi , M Ghasemi Pirbalouti
Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Shahrekord, Shahrekord, Iran. , bakhshi7575@gmail.com
Abstract:   (22217 Views)
Introduction: Psychological well-being is affected by many factors which are varied in individual people. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship of psychological well-being with religiosity attitude, self-esteem and psychological hardiness by Equation Structural Modelling among students of Islamic Azad and public universities in Shahrekord. Material & Methods: In this descriptive-correlational study, samples were selected through random stratified sampling method (206 cases in Islamic Azad University and 169 cases in public university of Shahrekord) between 2014 and2015. Four valid and reliable questionnaires such as, "Cooper Smith’s Self-esteem Inventory", "Ahvaz Hardiness Inventory", "Ahvaz Hardiness Inventory"،and “Religious Attitude Scale" were used for data collection. Data was analyzed by structural equation modelling with SPSS22 and AMOS18. Findings: According to structural equation modelling, there was a positive and significance relationship between all variables (Religious attitude, Self-esteem, Psychological hardiness and Psychological well-being). In summary, 56% of psychological hardiness (by religiosity and self-esteem) and 69% of psychological well-being were explained by psychological hardiness. In addition, it is clear that the developed model had a suitable goodness-of-fit (RMSEA=0.05, CFI=0.965). Conclusion: The religiosity attitude as a main factor affects self-esteem and psychological hardiness. Therefore, an interventional programs relating to psychological well-being and hardiness, which considers religion attitude and self-esteem is necessary.
Keywords: Self-esteem, Religious attitude, Psychological well-being, Psychological hardiness, Structural Equation Modeling
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing management & administration
Received: 2015/06/7 | Accepted: 2015/06/7 | Published: 2015/06/7
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Bakhshi Arjenaki B, Sharifi T, Ghasemi Pirbalouti M. Assessment the relationship of psychological well-being with religiosity attitude, self-esteem and psychological hardiness by Equation Structural Modeling among students of Islamic Azad and public universities in Shahrekord. JHPM 2015; 4 (3) :60-69
URL: http://jhpm.ir/article-1-479-en.html

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Volume 4, Issue 3 (summer 2015) Back to browse issues page
مدیریت ارتقای سلامت  Journal of Health Promotion Management
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