Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (25874 Views)
Introduction: Urinary tract infection is the most common chronic childhood disease, especially in girls under 6 years old. This chronic disease reduces quality of life of mothers. This study aimed to determine the effect of Family Centered Empowerment Model on mothers ۥ QOL (physical dimension) with daughter of urinary tract infection.
Materials & Methods: This quasi experimental study was conducted in Motahari Hospital between 1991-1992 year, with 60 mothers whom were eligible for entry into the study in two control and intervention groups. Research instrument consisted of " Perceived Threat", " Self-Efficacy " , "Mother Efficacy", "Self-Control", " Locus of Control", "Cooper Smith Self-Esteem" and " SF36 Quality of Life Questionnaire" . Content Validity Index, Content Validity Ratio and reliability with Cranach’s alpha coefficients calculation were measured for instruments. Data were collected for mothers in intervention group in three phase (before, after and during the model performing) and four stages in intervention time. The mother’s quality of life was assessed before, one and three months after empowering the mothers in intervention group. Data was analyzed by SPSS/18 .
Findings: There was not significant differences in the empowerment and quality of life scores before intervention (P<0.05). There was a significant difference between the two groups (intervention and control) after family centered empowerment model accomplishment (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Family Centered Empowerment Model could increase quality of life scores of mothers. It is suggested that this model use clinically for families with children with other chronic illnesses.
Zafar ramzanian Z, Alhani F, Anoosheh M. The effect of Family Centered Empowerment Model on mothers’ QOL of girls under six years old with UTI . JHPM 2014; 3 (3) :7-15 URL: