Health Services Management Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding author) ,
Abstract: (31633 Views)
Introduction: Organizational culture and employee attitude towards information technology are considered as the factors influencing successful implementation of information systems. The aim of this research was to determine the related factors to Hospital Information System (HIS) acceptance according to Competing Values Framework.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-correlative study, the conceptual model was proposed according to the related literature, and it was confirmed by the views of 7 experts. The two-part questionnaire including "HIS Acceptance" and "Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument" with total of 90 questions was developed based on the model variables. The validity of the questionnaire was obtained by content validity ratio, and its reliability was measured by calculating Cronbach’s Alpha. The research data was gathered through distributing the questionnaires among 400 users of HIS in the considered hospitals by using stratified sampling method. To test the conceptual model, Structural Equation Modeling and path analysis methods were used by applying LISREL Software version 8.7.
Findings: The Normed Chi Square Index (1.88) showed that the model had fitness with the gathered data. The indices included Goodness of Fit Index=0.98, Comparative Fit index= 0.98, Adjusted Goodness of Fit index=0.94, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation= 0.047. According to the research model, the correlation of developmental culture and Perceived Usefulness (P=0.020) and the correlation of developmental, also hierarchical cultures and HIS use (P=0.019) were statistically significant.
Conclusion: The results of testing the research model indicated that developmental and hierarchical cultures are related to HIS acceptance. In order to facilitate and improve HIS acceptance, it is recommended that the related authorities embark on fostering an environment with tendency towards developmental and hierarchical culture in the hospitals.
Tabibi S, Farhangi A A, Nasiripour A A, BaradaranKazemzadeh R, Ebrahimi P. Assessment the related factors to hospital information system acceptance. JHPM 2014; 3 (1) :14-26 URL: