Islamic Azad University, Khomeinishahr ,
Abstract: (71 Views)
Introduction: Maladaptive schema modes negatively impact quality of life, requiring effective interventions to improve this area. The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of “Schema Modes Therapy” on improving the quality of life and schema modes of women aged 20 to 40.
Methods: The current research was of semi-experimental type with pre-test, post-test with control group and follow-up. The statistical population of the present study included all women 20 to 40 years old of Isfahan city in 2023. 28 women aged 20 to 40 were selected based on available sampling. Then they were randomly assigned to the “Schema Modes Therapy” group (14 women) and the control group (14 women) by lottery. The research data was collected with a demographic questionnaire, World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief Version WHOQOL-BREF and "Schema Mode Inventory". Content validity was done by qualitative method and reliability by internal consistency method by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Then, for the intervention group, 10 90-minute sessions of “Schema Modes Therapy” (1 session per week) were conducted. The control group received the treatment after the research was completed. After the completion of the intervention, a post-test and a follow-up was conducted 2 months later. Data were analyzed in SPSS. 23 software. To analyze the data, repeated measurement variance analysis and Benferoni's post hoc test were used.
Results: There was a significant difference between the intervention group and the control group in the variable of quality of life and schema modes, in the post-test and follow-up phase. Therefore, the intervention was effective in on improving the quality of life and schema modes of women aged 20 to 40 (P<0.05).
Conclusions: Schema Modes Therapy improving the quality of life and schema modes of women aged 20 to 40. It is suggested that psychologists who work with women use the findings of this research to improve the quality of life and schema modes of women.
Mahmoodinejad H, Dayarian M M, Mosavi S E. The Effectiveness of “Schema Modes Therapy” on Improving the Quality of Life and Schema Mode of Women Aged 20 to 40. JHPM 2025; 14 (1) :65-80 URL: